Saturday, October 4, 2008

18 months old!

Where does time go? Kyn just turned 18 months on Sept. 29th. She is so much fun! She is the cuddle kid I never got in Irelynd. She loves to be lovey and snuggle. She is such a sweet baby, but I think Irelynd is teaching her the ropes, because she sure knows how to scream to get what she wants. This kid is talking like crazy! She says "no, no, no!" and shakes her finger back and forth. Another favorite of me and Jared's is at aout 8:30 every night she says, "juice" and once she gets it she waves and says,"Nigh night!" This means take me to my bed please! It is the best, she goes right to sleep. My girls sure did get my sleeping jeans. They both love to sleep!

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