Sunday, August 3, 2008

Leaving Memories...

This is a great idea!
1. As you comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember.
2. Next, repost these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty fun to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you are playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave a memory about you. If you don't want to play on your blog, or if you do not have a blog, I'll leave my memory of you in my comments. Have fun!!

Summer Swimming 2008

The day after the 24th of July we went to a new swimming pool in Ogden called the North Shore. Marci heard about it somewhere. Anyway it was AWESOME!! I highly recommend it. It is so kid friendly and worth the hour drive. My kids have never had so much fun at a swimming pool before!!

Kyn trying to eat the water.
Daddy and Kynlee. Irelynd and Easton were too busy swimming to pose for the camera. Marci and I just dodged the camera.

Summer Swimming 2008 Continued

River and Kynlee loved the water!

Kynlee eats everything.
Grandpa and Kynlee. She loved those goggles. Jared in the background eating M&M's.

24th of July barbeque 2008

So we had a barbeque and fireworks at Landen and Jenn's for the 24th of July. Kynlee loved the cake as you can see, but only if she could feed herself.
Shayla, Grandma Julie, Emma, Kylee, Kynlee, Irelynd, and Walker sitting on the blanket waiting for the fireworks.
Shayla and Kylee

Kylee hated the fireworks. Irelynd, Kynlee, and grandma loved them! Can't you tell on Irelynd's face. If there's not 24 hour action she is bored!!

24th of July Barbeque Continued

Jared and Landen hard at work preparing the firework show. Thanks guys, it was great!
Jenn and Walker cuddling.
Kynlee trying to get the fireworks!!
Emma and Irelynd dancing in the firework light!

My First Official Garden

So this is a picture of my garden earlier this year. The next pictures will show you how much it has grown. I planted peas, potatoes, corn, tomatoes, cherry tomatoes, 3 kinds of squash, lemon cucumbers, strawberries, and raspberries. I can't wait to eat all of it! Now these last three pictures are of my garden now. Look at that corn!!
These tomatoe plants have about taken over everything along with the squash.
You can see where I had Jared already dig out the peas. They were great!! Yes I know the potatoes look dead. Irelynd tells me everyday. Next year I'm definately going to try a drip system or something automatic to water every other day or so.