Wednesday, July 2, 2008

All About Irelynd

I haven't yet found the time to get Irelynd's 5 year old picture taken, so here is the newest one of her. Irelynd just turned 5 on May 5th. She is full of it! She starts kindergarten this fall and is so excited! I can't believe we have a 5 year old. Where does time go? She loves her little sister a little too much and most of the time I find myself reminding her that I am the mom not her. But Kynlee loves to be packed around, so I try not to get mad. Irelynd finished her first year of dance in June. She sure knows how to shake it! It was so much fun watching her perform on stage. She loves the spotlight, but only if someone is standing by her side, otherwise she acts like she's too shy. It brought back so many memories, I sure wish it was still me. I hope she enjoys dance like I did. She also played her first year of soccer. She actually did pretty well. I was really worried she was going to bawl and scream everytime someone else got the ball or kicked her, but she was pretty tough. We were proud of her. Despite bribing her that she could get a webkins if she made a goaly, she didn't try too hard and eventually gave up and said, " I can't do it!" Just like every other 5 year old, she loves to play outside from sun up to sun down. Good thing she's got her daddy's skin, because she lives in the sun and is brown as a bear. It's not fair!

1 comment:

Candice said...

It is so fun to get to see you guys at he ball park again! Your blog looks cute! Your girls are adorable!